Russ Carpenter

Russ Carpenter's picture

Position Title
WAC Consultant, Lecturer

Office Hours
T, 1:40-3:00, W, 1:00-3:00

Research Areas:

Science communication, scientific posters, STEM teaching, writing center pedagogy, neuroscience, animal behavior, behavioral neuroscience, stress, learning and memory


B.S. Fisheries, Humboldt State University

M.S. Comparative Physiology, Uppsala University, Sweden

Ph.D. Neuroscience, University of South Dakota 


Carpenter, RE and R. Parrish Waters How to Give an Excellent STEM Job Talk - Chronicle of Higher Education, August 2019.

Metacognition Across the Curriculum, book chapter in ePortfolio-as-Curriculum: Diverse Models and Practices, by Kathleen Yancey, Stylus Publishing April 2019 ISBN-10: 1620367599

Lee, Sohui and Russ E. Carpenter 2018 Introducing Multiliteracies Through Scientific Research Posters Writing Center Journal WCJ issue 36.2 Spring 2018

Summers, Tangi R., Torrie L. Summers, Russ E. Carpenter, Justin P. Smith, Samuel L. Young, Brandon Meyerink, T. Z. Orr, David H. Arendt, Cliff H. Summers 2017 Learning and CRF-induced indecision during escape and submission in rainbow trout during socially aggressive interactions in the Stress-Alternatives Model Frontiers in Neuroscience

James M Robertson, Melissa A Prince, Justin K Achua, Russ E Carpenter, David H Arendt, Justin P Smith, Torrie L Summers, Tangi R Summers, Cliff H Summers 2015 Nuance and behavioral cogency: How the Visible Burrow System inspired the Stress-Alternatives Model and conceptualization of the continuum of anxiety Physiology and Behavior

Carpenter, RE, Maruska K, Becker L, Fernald RD 2014 Social opportunity rapidly regulates expression of CRF and its receptors in the brain of a teleost fish, Astatotilapia burtoni  PLoS One

Loveland, J, Carpenter RE, Maruska K, Fernald RD 2013 Serotonergic plasticity during pubertal development in a teleost fish. Journal of Experimental Biology Maruska KP, Carpenter RE and Fernald RD 2012 Neuronal Proliferation and Social Status in a teleost fish. Journal of Comparative Neurology 520(15):3471-91

Grone, BP, Carpenter, RE, Maruska, KP and Fernald RD 2012 Food deprivation can explain steroid hormone and mRNA differences seen during mouthbrooding in a cichlid, Astatotilapia burtoni. Hormones and Behavior 62(1):18-26 

Clotfelter, ED, McNitt MM, Carpenter RE, Summers CH 2010  Modulation of monoamine neurotransmitters in fighting fish Betta Splendens exposed to waterborne phytoestrogens Fish Physiol Biochem 36(4):933-43

Lorenzi V, RE Carpenter, CH Summers, RL Earley and MS Grober 2009 Serotonin, social status and sex change in the bluebanded goby Lythrypnus dalli. Physiol  Behav 97 (3-4):476-83

Carpenter RE, CH Summers 2009 Learning strategies during fear conditioning Neurobiology of Learning and Memory91: 415-423

Carpenter RE, MJ Watt, GL Forster, C Bockholt, K Renner, CH Summers 2008 Corticotropin releasing factor influences aggression and monoamines: Modulation of attacks and retreats Neuroscience 158: 412-425

Shaw JC, WJ Korzan, RE Carpenter, AM Kuris, KD Lafferty, CH Summers, Ø Øverli 2008 Parasite manipulation of brain monoamines in California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) by the trematode Euhaplorchis californiensis. Proc Biol Sci 276: 1137-1146

Carpenter RE, MJ Watt, GL Forster, Ø Øverli, C Bockholt, K Renner, CH Summers 2007     Corticotropin releasing factor induces anxiogenic locomotion in trout and alters serotonergic and dopaminergic activity  Hormones and Behavior 52: 600-611

Clotfelter, ED, O’Hare EP, McNitt MM, Carpenter RE, Summers CH 2007 Pharmacological manipulation of the serotonergic system affects aggressive behavior and brain monoamine levels in the fighting fish Betta splendensPharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 87: 222-231

Summers, CH, MJ Watt, TJ Ling, GL Forster, RE Carpenter, WJ Korzan, JL Lukkes, Øyvind Øverli 2005Glucocorticoid interaction with aggression in non-mammalian vertebrates: reciprocal action  Eur J Parmacol 526: 21-35