Position Title
Internship Coordinator (UWP 92/192), Continuing Lecturer
Research Areas:
Teaching Areas:
Katie Rodger has been teaching at UC Davis since 2002, and has been a lecturer in the UWP since Spring 2011. She regularly teaches Writing in the Sciences (104E), Science Journalism (111C), and Environmental Writing (102G). She also has taught Advanced Composition (101), Writing for the Health Professions (104F), Journalism (104C), Writing in Education (104D), Technical Writing (104T), a graduate workshop for STEM students publishing an academic journal article (298). and Advanced Reading and Composition for Non-Native Speakers (23).
For over ten years, Katie researched the life and work of marine ecologist, Ed Ricketts, the model for John Steinbeck's "Doc" in Cannery Row. She published two volumes, a critical edition of Ricketts's letters (U. Alabama P, 2002) and his collected essays (U. California P, 2006). She is often invited to speak about Ricketts's legacy as an ecologist, and has been interviewed on NPR and BBC Radio.
Katie has presented her work and experience across the country on topics including: science writing instruction, interdisciplinary research, environmental writing, multimodal writing, and supporting graduate students across the disciplines. She has served on the UWP's Writing Across the Curriculum team and has participated in the UC Davis Science Communication Workshop, where she led a workshop on Writing For a Lay Audience.
Katie has served as the Professional Development Chair for CapSciComm, a regional professional networking group of science communicators. She is an advisory board member for the Western Flyer Foundation. For 7 years, she was the Managing Editor of Splash!® milk science review.
Ph.D. UC Davis 2010
M.A. San Jose State University 2000
B.A. UC San Diego 1998
TESOL Core Certificate - Adult Learners, TESOL 2017
Ed Ricketts: From Cannery Row to Sitka Alaska (Shorefast Editions, 2016 and 2020)
"Part of the Fabric of the University" with Chris Thaiss, et al. in A Minefield of Dreams (The WAC Clearinghouse, 2017)
Breaking Through: Essays, Journals, and Travelogues of Edward F. Ricketts (U of California P, 2006)
Renaissance Man of Cannery Row: The Life and Letters of Edward F. Ricketts (U. of Alabama P, 2002)